Strath Original 250ml
- Children and adults
- pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers
- students and professionals
- athletes
- senior citizens
A balanced, wholesome diet is important in order to be able to meet the varied demands of everyday life and stay healthy. Strath Original herbal yeast is particularly suitable as a useful supplement to the daily diet. The food supplement contains over 60 entirely natural vital substances and is suitable for people of any age. If the diet is low in vital substances, Strath Original supplements meals with valuable ingredients. In addition, Strath Original improves the overall uptake of vital substances derived from the diet or other products.
Adults: 2 – 3 × daily 1 teaspoon (5ml) before meals. Children: half the dose. Strath Original can supplement the diet naturally all year round. A course treatment over a longer period is also advisable in the event of increased requirement and is safe to take.
It may be combined at any time with other specific vital substance products and food supplements.